There are some ways in which you can obtain financial compensation for your work-related injuries. It is through a workers’ compensation system, which offers limited benefits to those with eligible injuries who were injured in the workplace.
In the same way, there are legal protections for construction workers, specifically. It’s the scaffold law that makes business owners (and project contractors) fully responsible for the inability of not being able to provide a suitable and safe workplace for every worker.

This law establishes that employers must ensure that construction equipment, as well as elevators and scaffolds, are constructed and operated responsibly to provide adequate protection to a person employed on the construction site.
Now this goes deeper than just providing a bit of financial coverage that some regions don’t offer. Workers’ compensation claims are paid only for a certain amount of time and largely depend on the injury suffered.
What an employee should not do after a construction accident
If you have been injured while working as a construction worker (or any other position), you should know that there are certain things you should do with a personal injury attorney to try to get the most out of your injuries, let’s see what they are.
Medical treatment
Do not delay, no matter what reason you have to do it, it’s not your decision to measure the severity of the injury since only a medical expert could do it. Delaying treatment is synonymous with making things worse. When you are injured, stop what you are doing and seek professional help.
Your legal situation does not matter
It’s irrelevant whether you are a documented or undocumented worker, you are still entitled to the same protections under US personal injury and workers compensation laws. Under no reason will you have legal inconvenience when filing a claim.
Report your injury immediately
It’s imperative that you report your injury to your boss immediately and in writing, within 30 days of the accident. If you don’t do this report on time, you may be giving up the right to compensation.
Consult an external doctor
The company may provide you with a family doctor, but you have every right to attend an external consultation with a doctor who does not work for the company in which you provide services and thus obtain an impartial opinion. The company’s medical examiner has an interest (in most cases) in minimizing your injuries.
Construction accidents are not very controllable
Personal injuries at construction job sites are unpredictable, often devastating, and undoubtedly change the lives of victims forever. If you’ve been injured while working in construction, you probably have questions about your injuries that should be answered by an experienced workplace accident attorney.
As we have mentioned before, it does not matter if you work as an undocumented person in this country, you have the same chances of starting a lawsuit for damages at work. In other words, you have the same options at your disposal as any other employee with proper papers.
Your legal situation does not define you, nor is it an impediment for you to obtain compensation for the damages. This type of personal injury is the only one in which you do not need further evidence, other than actually having received the injury in your workplace, with your own tools (machinery) to carry it out.
Work injury lawsuit
Every worker in the construction sector is entitled to a fair economic reimbursement, through a claim or demand for this purpose, which may or may not be a result in court. In some cases, insurance companies as well as company owners prefer to settle cases before going to trial and spend even more money on resources.